How many wildfires occur in America each year?

Energy & Environment
Energy & Environment
Fossil fuel production has grown, largely due to a 69% increase in natural gas production since 1980 despite an 18% decrease in coal production. Nuclear and renewable energy production has increased 147% since 1980 and now makes up 21% of energy production.
Energy & Environment
However, it has increased from 2017.
Energy & Environment
In 2017, the US made up 14% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions and emitted more metric tons of carbon dioxide (5.1 billion metric tons) than any country in the world other than China (10.4 billion metric tons).
Energy & Environment
We import 25% of the energy we consume; in 1980 we imported 20%.
Energy & Environment
The 2000s averaged six per year.
Energy & Environment
That's 2% higher than the annual average in the 2000s, and more than twice the annual average in the 1990s.
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