Can people with felony convictions vote?

Crime & Justice
Crime and justice
Despite the overall decrease in violent crime, the homicide rate rose again in 2021 after a historic increase in 2020. In 2021, the FBI switched its crime data collection to a system that counts all crimes committed during an incident, as opposed to only requiring counting the most severe crime.
Crime and justice
However, law enforcement and corrections spending was highest per capita in 2009 when governments spent $832 per person, compared to $805 in 2020.
Crime and justice
The United States had 924,326 police officers in 2021, accounting for 6% of all state and local government full-time employees.
Crime and justice
Part I crimes are serious, occur across the country, and are likely to be reported to law enforcement. Murders had the highest clearance rate at 48%, while motor vehicle theft had the lowest at 10%. Clearance rates should not be compared across years due to varying law enforcement agency response rates.
Until law enforcement participation in data collection reaches 80%, the FBI has limited the use-of-force data it makes available. Partial 2022 data shows that 66% of officers work for agencies that reported use-of-force data. The most common use-of-force incidents involved a firearm; hands, fists, or feet; or a taser.
Crime and justice
The prison population per 100,000 people declined for the 14th year in a row in 2021, while the jail population rose after a decline in 2020. Probation and parole data is not yet available for 2021.
Crime and justice
This comes as firearm deaths per 100,000 people grew 13% between 2019 and 2020. Preliminary 2022 data shows suicides accounted for 56% of firearm deaths and homicides accounted for 41%.
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