How much of America’s clean energy infrastructure is built in the US?

Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 disrupted energy markets, leading to a lower supply of crude oil (the US’ largest energy import) from Russia and higher US petroleum product exports (its largest energy export) to Europe. America imported 84% more crude than it exported in 2022. However, the crude oil trade deficit has fallen since 2010, when the nation brought in more than 200 times as much crude oil as it shipped out.
Average gas prices declined in subsequent months, falling to $3.62 by November. However, average diesel fuel prices in November remained more than a dollar higher than in January. Several factors affect fuel prices, including crude oil prices, the cost of refining, distribution, and marketing.
However, per-person energy consumption in 2022 was still 1% lower than the 2010s average.
Coal is 11% of energy consumption. Two-thirds of fossil fuel energy consumption comes from the industrial and transportation sectors.
US fossil fuel production increased from 2021 to 2022.
In 2019, wind energy became the nation’s third most-produced source of non-fossil fuel energy after nuclear and biomass.
However, carbon dioxide emissions remain below 2019 levels. Last year’s increase was primarily due to petroleum and natural gas emissions.
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