Nebraska coronavirus cases and deaths

How is Nebraska faring against COVID-19, both overall and at a state level? Get the answers here, with data on hotspots and infection rates. This map tracks the history of coronavirus cases in Nebraska, both recent and all-time.

Latest update on Jul 23
Total Reported7-Day Average (Jul 23)

New Cases Per Day

New Deaths Per Day

In Nebraska, there were 0 newly reported COVID-19 cases and 0 newly reported COVID-19 deaths on Jul 23, 2023


7-day average cases per 100k

From cities to rural towns, stay informed on where COVID-19 is spreading to understand how it could affect families, commerce, and travel. Follow new cases found each day and the number of cases and deaths in Nebraska. The county-level tracker makes it easy to follow COVID-19 cases on a granular level, as does the ability to break down infections per 100,000 people. This county visualization is unique to USAFacts and will be updated with the most recent data as frequently as possible. The underlying data is available for download below the US county map and has helped government agencies like Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in its nationwide efforts.

County Stats for Nebraska

County7-day avg. cases7-day avg. deathsCasesDeaths
Adams County006,49946
Antelope County001,0757
Arthur County00321
Banner County00890
Blaine County00670
Boone County001,0914
Box Butte County002,3368
Boyd County004043
Brown County005062
Buffalo County0012,00057
Burt County001,34312
Butler County001,90311
Cass County006,12416
Cedar County001,50611
Chase County007445
Cherry County005377
Cheyenne County002,02516
Clay County001,51511
Colfax County002,73721
Cuming County001,80615
Custer County002,03019
Dakota County006,90065
Dawes County001,36112
Dawson County005,26131
Deuel County003221
Dixon County001,1829
Dodge County0010,10762
Douglas County00149,432718
Dundy County003494
Fillmore County001,1278
Franklin County004214
Frontier County005431
Furnas County001,1225
Gage County003,58819
Garden County003681
Garfield County003991
Gosper County003725
Grant County001064
Greeley County004101
Hall County0016,513117
Hamilton County002,25417
Harlan County003780
Hayes County001060
Hitchcock County005305
Holt County002,14716
Hooker County001122
Howard County001,18910
Jefferson County001,2111
Johnson County008689
Kearney County001,1825
Keith County001,53910
Keya Paha County001180
Kimball County007691
Knox County001,67712
Lancaster County0078,0650
Lincoln County008,70860
Logan County001480
Loup County00870
Madison County009,68544
McPherson County00741
Merrick County001,70315
Morrill County001,2437
Nance County0080210
Nemaha County001,48515
Nuckolls County0097711
Otoe County003,34410
Pawnee County004121
Perkins County0053011
Phelps County002,32610
Pierce County001,27220
Platte County008,64850
Polk County001,2199
Red Willow County002,32915
Richardson County001,80719
Rock County001722
Saline County003,7962
Sarpy County0049,702131
Saunders County005,02316
Scotts Bluff County009,43948
Seward County003,37132
Sheridan County001,00010
Sherman County005864
Sioux County00650
Stanton County0074411
Thayer County001,1094
Thomas County00961
Thurston County001,78211
Valley County007522
Washington County004,55225
Wayne County001,8237
Webster County007127
Wheeler County001270
York County003,92011

For more on how USAFacts collects coronavirus data, read this detailed methodology and sources page.

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