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Available information > Item 1 - Purpose and Function of Our Government - General > PART I > 2021 Government 10-K

Available information

Published on Mon, May 17, 2021 9:00AM PDT | Updated Mon, May 17, 2021 9:11AM PDT

Our website can be found at, where we make available free of charge a variety of information. Our goal is to maintain the website as a portal through which users can easily find or navigate to pertinent information about our Government, including:

  • USAFacts Annual Report – a detailed annual score card for our Government;
  • USAFacts 10-K (this report) – an annual report for our Government in the style of a corporate Form 10-K;
  • Facts in Focus – brief topical analyses; and
  • a database containing the data used in these reports, plus additional data and analysis.

In addition to our website, we use social media to communicate with the public. You can follow us on Twitter at @usafacts and Facebook and Instagram at USAFacts.