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Federal funds interest rate

Federal funds interest rate

The Federal Reserve aims to keep US employment at the highest level consistent with low and stable inflation. It currently has an inflation goal of 2%. It seeks to meet its goals by influencing the level of interest rates, or the cost of borrowing money, across the economy. Lower interest rates stimulate the economy by encouraging consumers to buy goods and employers to invest in equipment. Higher rates cool the economy by discouraging consumption and investment. What are interest rates today? The Federal Reserve increased interest rates by one half-point to 0.75-1.00 at its meeting on May 4th, 2022.

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The Federal Reserve influences borrowing costs by using tools to maintain a target range for the federal funds rate, or the rate that banks pay to borrow from one another in the overnight money markets. (Banks must borrow overnight funds if the amount of money they hold in reserve at the Federal Reserve falls short of the level required by the central bank.) The federal funds rate, in turn, influences a broad array of interest rates for consumer and business credit, from corporate loans to mortgages. The Federal Reserve uses the following tools to target the federal funds rate:

Open-market operations – The central bank buys and sells short-term Treasury securities from banks. In doing so, it influences the overall level of reserves in the banking system, which in turn affects the price of reserves, or the federal funds rate.

Interest on excess reserves – The Federal Reserve is empowered by Congress to pay interest on the reserves that banks hold at the central bank in excess of the required level. By paying interest on excess reserves, the Federal Reserve encourages banks to keep that money on deposit at the central bank, rather than lend it out to consumers or businesses.

Purpose and function of our government: The Federal Reserve

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