What does the Department of Transportation do?
The Department of Transportation is a cabinet-level executive branch agency responsible for overseeing national transportation systems and infrastructure. Its functions include developing and implementing federal transportation policies; ensuring the safety and efficiency of highways, railroads, air travel, and maritime transport; and administering funding for transportation projects including local transit systems. It was established in 1966.
Other names and abbreviations for the Department of Transportation:
The Department of Transportation accounted for 1.7% of all federal spending in FY 2024.
10 government agencies accounted for 97.0% of federal spending in FY 2024
The Department of Transportation’s share of federal spending in FY 2024 was lower than FY 1980.
Percentage of federal budget dedicated to DOT, FYs 1980–2024
How did the Department of Transportation spend its budget in 2024?
Federal government spending isolated to DOT, FY 2024
The Department of Transportation’s highest-spending division is the Federal Highway Administration.
DOT spending by division, FY 2024
Who leads the Department of Transportation?
DOT is headed by the secretary of Transportation, who is nominated by the president, confirmed by the Senate, and then sworn into office. They are one of the 15 cabinet members who serve at the president's discretion. They are responsible for overseeing national transportation policies and systems. This appointed position typically ends when the appointee resigns, is replaced, or when a new president assumes office and appoints their own cabinet, though some may serve temporarily during transitions between administrations.
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Page sources
USAFacts endeavors to share the most up-to-date information available. We sourced the data on this page directly from government agencies; however, the intervals at which agencies publish updated data vary.
Office of Management and Budget and US Department of the Treasury
Budget of the US Government and Monthly Treasury Statement