Government spending
Which government programs does the Government Accountability Office consider inefficient?

Pandemic policies permitted Medicaid enrollment to grow by about 20 million people from 2020 to 2022. But one of those policies, continuous enrollment, ended on March 31. Continuous enrollment meant people who might have lost coverage due to income changes or other factors, automatically remained in the program when they otherwise wouldn’t have. Millions of people could lose coverage, even temporarily, despite still being eligible. Here’s how the numbers grew over the pandemic and who the coming changes could impact.
See more about changes coming to Medicaid.
The Department of Health and Human Services declared a public health emergency for COVID-19 in 2020. That emergency expired May 12 and, with it, the invocation of the legal provision known as Title 42. The federal government used Title 42 to expel migrants at the border in response to the pandemic. This measure aimed to reduce the risks of COVID-19 among immigration facilities and border agents, but it also had consequences for asylum seekers. What does the data say about how Title 42’s affected immigration over the past three years?
Learn more about Title 42's impact on US borders.
To mark the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency, revisit this visualization, published almost exactly one year ago, of how the nation has lost people of various ages, races, and regions to the virus.
The Writers Guild of America strike has stretched into week three. Here’s background on how common labor strikes are in the US, plus the numbers on how union memberships have changed over 40 years.
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Over half of Americans 16 and older (124.7 million people) provided help to their neighbors between September 2020 and 2021. More than 60 million of those people formally volunteered with an organization. Millions of other informally volunteered in their communities, including bringing someone groceries, providing a ride to a medical appointment, and dozens of other helpful activities.
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