How much debt does the US have?
In January 2025, total debt owed by the government was $35.8 trillion.
Total monthly federal debt outstanding, adjusted for inflation (January 2025 dollars)
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In 2024, total debt owed by the government is equivalent to $106K per person in the US.
Total federal debt outstanding per person, adjusted for inflation (2024 dollars)
Debt as a percent of GDP was 121% in Q3 of 2024.
Quarterly federal debt outstanding, as a percent of GDP
Debt interest payments made up 10.7% of government spending in FY 2023.
Interest payments on debt, as a percent of government spending
USAFacts standardizes data, in areas such as time and demographics, to make it easier to understand and compare.
The analysis was generated with the help of AI and reviewed by USAFacts for accuracy.
Page sources
USAFacts endeavors to share the most up-to-date information available. We sourced the data on this page directly from government agencies; however, the intervals at which agencies publish updated data vary.
Office of Management and Budget
Budget of the US Government
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Economic Data