How much is spent on healthcare in Rhode Island? What is the death rate in Rhode Island?
Latest update on August 7, 2023Death rate in Rhode Island (age-adjusted)
In 2021, the age-adjusted death rate in Rhode Island was 781.3 deaths per 100,000 residents.
Percent of Rhode Island residents without health insurance
In 2021, 4.34% of Rhode Island's residents weren't covered by health insurance.
Healthcare spending per capita in Rhode Island (inflation-adjusted)
In 2020, $13,663 was spent on healthcare per Rhode Island resident.
How has the death rate changed in Rhode Island?
The death rate, also known as mortality rate, is determined using this data in combination with population data. A simple per capita calculation — called the crude death rate — isn't ideal for comparisons, as it doesn't account for differences in age makeup between two groups. For example, an area where more than 50% of the population is over 65 will likely have a higher crude death rate than a place where 10% is 65 or older. Age-adjusted death rates, shown here, allow for comparison between two populations with different age makeups. (Explore Rhode Island's demographics.)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the primary federal agency tracking deaths nationwide. It maintains the National Vital Statistics System, which gathers death information from every state.
Rhode Island's age-adjusted death rate was 10.06% higher in 2021 than in 2019, the year before the COVID-19 pandemic was declared.
Death rate in Rhode Island (age-adjusted)
In 2021, the age-adjusted death rate in Rhode Island was 781.3 deaths per 100,000 residents.
Death rate per 100,000 people (age-adjusted): 2021
Death rate (age-adjusted per 100,000 people), by state: 2021
Rhode Island had the 44th-highest death rate.
The age-adjusted death rate of heart disease was 158.7 per 100,000 Rhode Island residents. That's 8.69% lower than the overall heart disease death rate in the US (173.8).
The National Vital Statistics System tracks the underlying (or primary) cause of death by recording information from death certificates. The leading causes of death differ by state.
Leading causes of death, by death rate: 2021
In 2021, the age-adjusted death rate of heart disease was 158.7 per 100,000 Rhode Island residents.
What is the life expectancy in Rhode Island?
Life expectancy in Rhode Island is 1.2 years higher than life expectancy in the US overall.
Life expectancy is a projection estimating the average age of death for people born today. The calculation uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The data can be a way to assess the impact of health issues such as overdoses and COVID-19.
Life expectancy at birth: 2020
In 2020, a newborn in Rhode Island was expected to live 78.2 years.
How much is spent on the health of Rhode Island residents?
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services provides estimates of healthcare spending in its National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA). The data is further broken down into other categories, including the state of residence of the recipient of care. The estimates are calculated from several sources, including the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
While healthcare spending is expected to grow with the population, per-capita trends can provide context on how costs have changed over time.
Healthcare spending per capita in Rhode Island (inflation-adjusted)
In 2020, $13,663 was spent on healthcare per Rhode Island resident.
Healthcare spending per capita: 2020 (inflation-adjusted)
Healthcare spending per capita, by state: 2020
Rhode Island is ranked 13th-highest in healthcare spending per capita.
How many people in Rhode Island do not have health insurance?
Health insurance in Rhode Island is available through various avenues. The primary way to get insurance is privately through employers. Publicly funded options include Medicare (primarily for people 65 and older), Medicaid (for low-income individuals), and plans available for active-duty military members and veterans. The Affordable Care Act expanded access to Medicaid in some states and established an online marketplace where people could buy private coverage.
The share of the uninsured population in Rhode Island in 2021 was 7.0 percentage points lower than in 2013, the year before most ACA provisions went into effect. Data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey shows that the decrease in the share of uninsured residents occurred in every state.
Percentage of Rhode Island residents without health insurance
In 2021, 4.34% of Rhode Island's residents weren't covered by health insurance.
Percentage of residents without health insurance: 2021
Percentage of residents without health insurance, by state: 2021
Rhode Island has the 47th-highest share of the uninsured population.
The Census Bureau’s American Community Survey asks respondents in Rhode Island about their health insurance coverage source, including private plans (employer-based, direct-purchase, and Tricare or military) and publicly funded plans (like Medicaid, Medicare, or VA healthcare). The values in this chart may add up to more than 100%, because some people may be covered by multiple insurance types.
Additionally, 55.58% of Rhode Island's population were covered by private health insurance plans.
Health insurance coverage, by type (2021): United States vs Rhode Island
In 2021, 95.66% of Rhode Island's population was covered by at least one health insurance plan.
Are there fewer babies being born in Rhode Island?
Like most states, Rhode Island's birth rate has been trending down in recent years.
The birth rate is the number of live births per 1,000 people. The data shown here is from the Census Bureau. Looking at the data as a rate rather than just the number of births allows a better understanding of changes over time.
Due to its role in population growth, the birth rate impacts various issues, including health and education. The CDC has attributed a recent drop in the birth rate to "changing patterns in social and cultural norms, as well as increases in educational attainment and contraceptive use."
Birth rate in Rhode Island
In 2021, there were 8.9 babies born per 1,000 Rhode Island residents.
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