What is considered a mass shooting?

Crime & Justice
Crime and justice
The increase was due mostly to rising larceny-theft and motor vehicle theft.
Crime and justice
The FBI defines larceny-theft as the unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another (except for vehicle theft, which it measures separately). The crime rate for motor vehicle theft increased the most (10.5%) compared to other property crimes, while burglary decreased for the 11th consecutive year.
Crime and justice
Robbery rates rose nearly 1% after decreasing for five years. Homicide rates fell by 7.4% between 2021 and 2022, the largest drop in any of the FBI’s violent crime categories.
Crime and justice
However, per-capita law enforcement and corrections spending was highest in 2009 when governments spent $874 per person, compared to $850 in 2021.
Crime and justice
The United States had 908,210 police officers in 2022, accounting for 6.1% of all state and local government full-time employees.
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The FBI has limited the available use-of-force data until law enforcement participation in data collection reaches 80%. In 2023, agencies employing 68% of the nation’s federal, state, local, and tribal sworn officers provided use-of-force data. The most common use-of-force incidents involved a firearm; hands, fists, or feet; or a taser.
Crime and justice
The correctional population per 100,000 people remains 15% lower than in 2019. Although probation and parole data is not yet available for 2022, the prison population per 100,000 people grew 1.7% after declining for 14 consecutive years and the jail population increased 3.8%.
Crime and justice
Firearm suicides increased in 2022, but this increase was offset by a decrease in firearm homicides. Preliminary 2023 data shows suicides accounted for 56% of firearm deaths and homicides accounted for 41%.