Government spending
If you've arrived here at USAFacts, it might be because you're curious about how the government works, or want the facts on a certain issue that's important to you.
These were some of the biggest reasons Steve Ballmer founded this site and initiative back in 2017. He wanted to make it easier for all Americans to get the facts on how our government works, how it collects revenue, how it spends it, and what that might mean for all of our trust in government. You can read more about our mission here.
These facts, and all of the articles and analysis on USAFacts, are built on data reported by the US government itself. Which naturally leads to an important question:
At USAFacts, we think it's important to not just take data at face value, but understand where it comes from, how it's collected, and how we should put that data into a broader context. And no data is ever perfect or unimpeachable. Any number on a spreadsheet is the outcome of dozens, or even hundreds, of different human decisions. And like all things involving humans, they have their strengths and weaknesses.
All that being said, the US government remains one of the most reliable and widely accepted sources of data reflecting the overall health of our country, our economy, and our democracy. Each federal agency has its own process for collecting and reporting certain types of data, but overall, government data remains widely accepted as nonpartisan, transparent, and accurate.
Here are a few ways you can ask the right questions about data, whether it's here on USAFacts, or wherever your fact-finding journey takes you:
At USAFacts, we strive to offer clear, accessible data and reporting from the US government, and we'll continue to push for greater transparency. By all of us looking closely at how the government works, we believe all Americans will be able to make better decisions, together.
Learn more about our mission at USAFacts, and get the data directly in your inbox by signing up for our newsletter.
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