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Rhode Island had the most subsidized housing units of any US state in 2022, with over 35 units per 1,000 people. Arizona had the least, with fewer than six units per 1,000 people. These figures represent all housing under contract for federal subsidy, occupied and unoccupied units.
The need for subsidized housing often outweighs the number of units available, meaning applicants can wait years to be approved. Long waitlists are common because of limited resources and funding plus the high need for housing support. (What is Section 8 housing? Learn more about it here.)
Rhode Island had the most subsidized units per 100,000 people in 2022, with over 35 units per 1,000 people. It's followed by New York (30), Massachusetts (28), Connecticut (23), and Louisiana (21).
When including Washington, DC, and US territories, the US Virgin Islands (58 units per 1,000 people) and Washington, DC (51 per 1,000 people), had more subsidized housing units than any other state or territory.
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Arizona offered the least subsidized housing in 2022, with about six units per 1,000 people, less than one-sixth the number of units that Rhode Island had. Rounding out the bottom five are Utah, Idaho, Nevada, and Florida.
Between 2004 and 2022, the number of units under federal contract as subsidized housing, both occupied and unoccupied, decreased by about 11% nationally. In 2004, there were 17.3 units per 1,000 people; in 2022, there were 15.4.
The amount of subsidized housing units available per 1,000 people varies across the country. Explore this map to see how your state compares.
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