What is the unemployment rate in the US right now?

Data updated September 30, 2024
About 4.1% in September 2024. That was a 0.3 percentage point increase from a year before. The unemployment rate is the percentage of people in the labor force who are actively looking for work but not currently employed. It's a common way to measure the health of the job market and economy.
Showing data for
In September 2024,


of the labor force was unemployed in the US
September 2024 had a


percentage point change than September 2023
The Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates the unemployment rate through a monthly survey to identify the civilian labor force—those employed or actively seeking work. Those not actively looking for work, like retirees or discouraged workers, are excluded from the labor force. Part-time workers are considered employed.

In September 2024, the unemployment rate in the US was 4.1%.

Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, January 2007 to September 2024

The unemployment rate historically has increased during or shortly after the start of a recession. As economic activity slows, businesses experience reduced demand for their goods and services, leading to cost-cutting measures such as layoffs or hiring freezes. The unemployment rate could also change based on the number of people who join or leave the labor force.

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Since 1948, the unemployment rate has often increased during or after recessions.

Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, January 1948 to September 2024

The unemployment rate varies throughout the country. Based on the most recently available state-level data, South Dakota had the lowest unemployment rate in September 2024 at 2.0%. Nevada had the highest unemployment rate at 5.6%.

In September 2024, the unemployment rate varied across states.

Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate

Unemployment rate, by state (September 2024)

Unemployment rate, by state (September 2024)

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